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“I combine my scientific knowledge and drawing skills to do children books. We would like to help to explain complex scientific issues.”

Interview with Sonia Aguera PhD, Alumni of the Institut Pasteur, a freelance science illustrator/communicator and a freelance outreach educator and public engagement officer, Open Science School, Center of Interdisciplinary Research (CRI)

1/ How would you summarize your professional background?

I’ve always been a focused learner, eager to understand how life works. Since I was an adolescent, my mom had a chronic disease poorly understood. I think this motivated me to pursue a PhD in Immunology at the University of Cambridge (UK). 

Immunology conveyed my main interests. This experience was life changing. I could make a contribution to the scientific knowledge rather than just learning it. I very much enjoyed this period. 

After that, I came to the Institute Pasteur to pursue my postdoctoral research, and continued at the Institute Curie in Paris for two years more. 

At the same time I was doing biomedical research, I was doing art courses and sporadic illustration commissions for different journals and friends. Since I can remember, illustration was my way of communication. My sketchbooks are my way to record my emotions, views and what I like or dislike about the world we live in. 

It is not until recently that I am a full time working in the public engagement sector. I combine my scientific knowledge and drawing skills to do children books. We would like to help to explain complex scientific issues. This work is in collaboration with Prof. Liston at the Babraham Institute (UK). I am also part of the science communication group NAOS.

This experience was life changing. I could make a contribution to the scientific knowledge rather than just learning it”

2/ What has the IP made for you?

The IP greatly helped me. I could perform my research quite independently but also with fantastic support from my lab. I was awarded the “ARC project” with vast help of my supervisor Andres Alcover (Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer Project). This allowed me to learn crucial skills such as project management, supervision, resilience and grant writing. I was very lucky to be surrounded by colleagues that also considered my friends. 

This allowed me to learn crucial skills such as project management, supervision, resilience and grant writing.”

Something remarkable of my time at IP is the sense of community that I felt, the opportunity to learn from other scientists. I am quite introvert, but several things allowed me to connect with other peers at the IP:  regular trips to other buildings to use the microscope and the “Spanish-speaking” lunches. Our group of PlayBack theatre was also marvellous. The IP is a fantastic multicultural environment. I feel really lucky in that sense. Happy to be part of a diverse community where BAME minorities and LGBTQ are represented. If something, scientific research is international and without borders. Having the IP spread around the world greatly contributes to that diversity. Unfortunately, LGBTQ is still quite taboo in many STEM workplaces and gender equality is still completely absent. 

Something remarkable of my time at IP is the sense of community that I felt"

3/ What makes you move forward in life?

Learning and failing. Failing allows you to improve and be better.

4/ What advice would you give to the Alumni? 

In terms of career, it is important to initially understand what you like and why. Also, to personally know other people already doing it. They not only clear your mental clouds, but also help you to think that it is possible. Do not be shy to ask. They can help you greatly. It is ok to have doubts and to like different things. If you do what you like and work hard, things will find their path slowly. It can be daunting, that is when support from other people come in place. 

it is important to initially understand what you like and why." 

Secondly, do not underestimate the power of mindfulness and self-development to increase your productivity. A rested mind can go a lot further. Sometimes we spend way too much in the lab that we loose perspective. A rested mind can better function and be kind. 

A rested mind can go a lot further.” 

And if you are curiosity driven, discover & make discover the books illustrated by Sonia. Here are the links !

Vaccination Book + Activities:

Vaccination book in Amazon:

Vaccination Book + Activities:

Vaccination book in Amazon:

Coronavirus Book: Book:

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